Wednesday, 22 March 2023 10:26

Heart Matters

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I've mentioned it on my show before, but in case you missed it I've been named a Woman of Impact nominee with the American Heart Association for 2023. Over the years, I've been an active participant in their GoRed for Women Initiative and served as the emcee for their GoRed for Women luncheon.

Heart disease and stroke are the #1 killer of women over all cancers. My goal has been to educate women of this startling statistic, as well as motivate and encourage women of all ages to be mindful of their health, to know the signs of heart attack and stroke and to be proactive.

Heart disease and stroke run in my family. My dad lives with heart failure and suffered a stroke in 2021. My uncle died from his aorta rupturing. A dear friend of mine suffered a heart attack and received a quadruple bypass.

In 2017, I learned from my primary care physician that I was a ticking time bomb. I could've had a stroke or heart attack at any moment because my hemoglobin was half the value it needed to be to keep me functioning. I had warning signs: shortness of breath; inability to complete simple tasks; struggling to walk up 5 steps; feelings of being overwhelmed; rapid heart rate. I ignored those signs. I was fortunate that I didn't die from my own neglect. This is why I'm using my platform to ensure others do not make a deadly mistake.

Part of my goal is to also raise funds for the AHA. I'm asking you to help me spread the message with your donation. Click HERE to donate. And THANK YOU! You are making a difference. 

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