Tim Daugherty

staff tim homeTim Daugherty has played a variety of roles with WONE since the very first day it was on the air. A member of the original staff, he has been heard on every shift around the clock; morning, noon, and nights, even overnights!

These days, Tim is the guy to turn to for a rockin' ride in the evenings! Tune him in weekdays from 7pm - Midnight.  

The Rock & Roll Authority as he's been called, (and not just because Daugherty and Authority rhyme so well), is known to drop in weird and little known factoids about almost everything rock-related under the sun. Tune in and see for yourself.  

Friday, 27 March 2020 09:31

Derek & Layla Get Married

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  We've logged just about one week in our Stay-At-Home order. One more to go! Let's hope it's helping. I know it can be tough but as we're seeing everywhere; "we will get through this together!" If it's not been a good week, allow me to take you back to…
Monday, 23 March 2020 09:09

This Week in Rock

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It's been a minute since I dropped a blog here. Like so many of us, I guess I've been distracted. I thought I'd write about what we're going through but the news changes so rapidly and we're all just trying to navigate the new normal. So in an effort to…
Monday, 09 March 2020 13:18

Beer Maker Brews Up A Tribute to Rush Drummer

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A New Jersey-based brewery has come up with a novel way to honor Neil Peart, the Rush drummer who died in January after a three-year battle with brain cancer. They've come up with a beer and dubbed it "Pronounced Pier-T" which settles once and for all how Neil pronounced his…
Saturday, 07 March 2020 08:47

Red Cross Acts of Courage Follow Up

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Here is a follow up to my blog post from a few days ago. I've attached a link so you can read about the incredible feats of bravery everyday folks like you and me did to save another human being, (or beings in some cases). You can watch all the…
Wednesday, 04 March 2020 15:22

Red Cross Acts of Courage

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This Thursday night, I have the pleasure of once again emceeing the Red Cross annual Acts of Courage recognition ceremony. As in year's past, my wife Sue Wilson, (herself a Red Cross board member & volunteer), and I introduce the videos of ordinary people who stepped up and performed extraordinary…
Friday, 28 February 2020 15:10

Ozzy! The Video Game

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The last couple of years have been tough on Ozzy Osbourne and it looks like his health will prevent him from ever touring again but Team Ozzy isn't letting these setbacks slow them down. His new album "Ordinary Man" features a host of guests including Elton John on the title…
Monday, 24 February 2020 17:32

When Art Imitates Present Day Life

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The creativity of people never ceases to amaze me. Perhaps you've seen this somewhere on your socials but someone has taken subjects depicted in classical paintings and edited them into everyday and current day settings. What results is clever and I hope it puts a smile on your face. Click…
Friday, 14 February 2020 12:20

Your Vote Matters

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I'm going to avoid getting on a soap box here but it's widely known that nearly 50% of registered voters did not vote in the 2016 general election so I'd like to offer this reminder. The Ohio primary election is March 17th and if you're not registered to vote, the…
Tuesday, 11 February 2020 13:08

RIP Stan Piatt

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Long-time WNIR morning man Stan Piatt passed away today. He was 68 and battled cancer for a lot longer than was expected because Stan was a fighter. I never worked with him but we ran across one another on occasion and I found him to be a cheery guy. My…
Monday, 10 February 2020 08:44

Competition With Class

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They say, "to the victor go the spoils" but the closing of a Montrose area grocery store brought out the class in one of its competitors. Earth Fare, whose goods lean more towards the natural and organic, announced it would be shutting down its entire chain. Read the story here. …
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