wone KWR2024Nominate an Upcoming Graduating High School Senior, Class of 2025 Kid Who Rocks!

If you know of a high school senior who excels in the arts, in music theatre, student government or is just an all around leader - we want to know about them!

Submit your nominee below in 97 words or less.

We will honor one student per month on the air, October through May. Each monthly Kid Who Rocks receives a 4-pack of Cedar Point passes. Each Kid Who Rocks is then qualified to win one of two $3,000 scholarships to be given away at the end of the 2024-2025 school year!

97.5 WONE, saluting Kids Who Rock, in cooperation with NECA-IBEW and Toth Buick GMC.

Review Contest Rules Below >

Nominate a Student Here:

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Kids Who Rock Contest Rules

WONE “Kids Who Rock” shall recognize certain high school seniors, during the school year of 2024-­2025, who have excelled in music, theater, student government, and/or who possess great leadership skills. One student will be chosen each month by the "Kids Who Rock Selection Committee," which is comprised of members of Rubber City Radio Group. Interested students shall forward a written nomination/submission of 97 words or less in order to be considered. All entries shall remain under consideration until the end of the school year. All selections are final and at the discretion of the committee. 

Kids Who Rock Scholarship Winners, or their parents or guardians will be required to sign a release allowing WONE to use the student's name and likeness on the radio station and on line, and to acknowledge any potential tax liability. WONE may be required to file an IRS Form 1099 on behalf of the winner of any items having a value of more than $600.

Winners will be recognized at the end of the 2024-­2025 school year. Attendance is encouraged but not mandatory. Two students will be awarded the Kids Who Rock scholarship in the amount of $3,000. All monies will be disbursed in the summer of 2025 and sent directly to the post-secondary institution where the student has enrolled and been accepted. Post-secondary institutions can be 2-year, 4-year, or trade school. If the award is not claimed within one year of graduation, it will be forfeited.

No purchase is necessary in order to win any WONE contest. Generally, only one listener from any household is permitted to win a prize from WONE in any 30 ​day period. However, in the event a member of a household has won a “minor” prize from WONE (tickets, t­shirts, CDs, dinners, etc.), that shall not preclude someone in that household from being a winner in Kids Who Rock. Anyone may win except employees (or the immediate family members) of the Rubber City Radio Group, or any advertising agency, or advertiser connected to the promotion.

WONE reserves the right to make changes to the rules of “Kids Who Rock” at any time during the execution of the promotion. In such cases, the change(s) shall be posted to the contest rules page at www.wone.net, and will be made available at our reception desk at 1795 West Market St., Akron, OH 44313.