Wednesday, 22 January 2020 14:18

Kramer vs Aerosmith Follow Up

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Aerosmith will make an appearance on this Sunday's Grammy Awards show but they will be without their long-time drummer Joey Kramer and he's pissed about it, too! So much so that he's suing them. Kramer's lawsuit claims that after he suffered some minor injuries in spring 2019 that forced him to miss some shows, the other Aerosmith members asked him to basically audition to prove he was "able to play at an appropriate level" before they would allow him to perform with the band again. Reluctantly he did but the other band members decided to not allow him to rejoin the group, telling him he "did not have enough 'energy' in the recordings." Wow, seems harsh, right? The band has issued a statement saying, "Joey Kramer is our brother; his wellbeing is of paramount importance to us. However he has not been emotionally and physically able to perform with the band, by his own admission, for the last 6 months. We have missed him and have encouraged him to rejoin us to play many times but apparently he has not felt ready to do so." The message continues, "Joey has now waited until the last moment to accept our invitation, when we unfortunately have no time for necessary rehearsals during Grammys week. We would be doing a disservice to him, to ourselves and to our fans to have him play without adequate time to prepare and rehearse." Aerosmith plans to play without Kramer at this Friday's MusiCares Person of the Year gala honoring the band and at Sunday's Grammy Award ceremony. In an attempt to smooth things over the group is inviting Joey to attend both events. I guess this is what the business side of Rock & Roll looks like.

A follow up: A judge didn't find Kramer's defense convincing enough to let him rejoin Aerosmith for the band's two performances: Saturday's MusiCares Person of the Year gala, where the band will be honored, and Sunday's Grammy performance.


(Photo Credit:Robb Cohen/Invision/AP/Shutterst)

Monday, 20 January 2020 14:10

Happy National Disc Jockey Day!

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Hey everybody, it's National Disc Jockey Day! That special day set aside, (by whom - I don't know), to honor those men & women who aren't afraid to turn on a hot microphone and talk about whatever comes to their minds. Their disembodied voices pumping out of speakers and car radios everywhere and that's just how they prefer it because many don't want you to watch them doing what they do. Untold millions, thousands, or even hundreds of people could be listening to you at any time. It's all I ever wanted to do when I was growing up and I've made a decent living at it. I liked music but never played an instrument. My instrument was my mouth and it ran all the time. It's been a fun career. Some would say the "toughest job a lazy man could have." Gone are the discs, though. Most of the music is stored away on a hard drive somewhere. These days we are called "radio presenters" or "on-air personalities," (provided we have one). I hope you are reading between my tongue-in-cheek lines here. I've enjoyed being a Disc Jockey who actually used to jockey discs and maybe I'm a little embarassed by there being a day set aside to "honor" us. A little research showed we share this day with other more important celebrations such as, oh you know...Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Elementary School Teacher Day, International Day of Acceptance, National Day of Service, and even Penguin Awareness Day.
Wednesday, 15 January 2020 14:01

Rock Hall Class of 2020; My Follow-Up

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Today's announcement of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame's class of 2020 is bound to create some discussion, most of which will not be positive. They are: The Doobie Brothers, Whitney Houston, Depeche Mode, T.Rex, Nine Inch Nails, and The Notorious B.I.G. Personally, I was surprised that of that group, only the Doobie Brothers also appeared among the top five fan favorite votes. The complaining will last a week or so, then resume around the time the inductions are held in Cleveland on May 2nd, then come back next fall when the 2021 nominees are announced. Most often heard is, "why Band X before Band Y?" I'd suggest we cannot look at this chronologically. Chronology only comes into play for inductee consideration. All noms must have put out something 25 years before they can be considered. Another complaint is, "that's not rock and roll!" Again I'd suggest "rock & roll" is a feeling and every genre of music can be somebody's "rock & roll." Is it marketing to get a wider swath of people into the brick & mortar along the lakefront? Perhaps but that's not a bad thing. So there you have it, my humble opinion which I've shared here before. Looking back to my blog of October 15, 2019 when the nominees were announced, five of my predictions made into the class of six.
Tuesday, 14 January 2020 16:53

And The Oscar Goes To...

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Matthew Cherry, a former University of Akron student, has been nominated for an Academy Award for an animated short called "Hair Love." Cherry got his degree at UA and also played some football for the Zips, catching passes thrown by then QB Charlie Frye. He went on to play professional football and now is only the second former professional athlete in history to be nominated for an Oscar. It's a good story. Check it out here.

Friday, 10 January 2020 15:23

Killer Brownies Are Back!

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Remember Killer Brownies from the West Point Market? Well, they're back! For many years, the Vernon family ran the upscale grocery store catering to an uppper crust clientele on West Market Street in the Walhaven area. Lucky for us, it was conveniently located next door to the WONE studios. The market was known for many high end items but those brownies were stand-out. They were the bomb. Sadly, the West Point Market closed and Whole Foods moved in. WPM attempted to make a go of it with a smaller scale store on Shiawassee but it just didn't seem to catch on. But you could buy those brownies there. Then that location closed too and left brownie fans wondering if that sweet treat would ever again cross their lips again. Well step back because just like everything else these days, you can order online and have them delivered to your door. Stop salivating and read on.

A local eatery gets some national exposure on this Thursday's episode of the Food Network's "Restaurant: Impossible." It's Edgar's Restaurant, a favorite for golfers at the nearly century old Good Park Golf Course on Akron's Nome Avenue. Golfing may be the farthest thing from your mind right about now, except for those counting the days until they can hit the links, but Edgar's is a year-round full service classy restaurant that's undergone some changes, some of which will be discussed on the show. I dined there last week and chatted with Head Chef Glenn Gillespie. He made a spicy New Orleans' inspired chicken sandwich for me while my wife Sue enjoyed a spectacular grouper salad. Paired with a couple of craft cocktails and a great playlist, we enjoyed our meal thoroughly. Check out this recent Cleveland.Com article about the Food Network appearance and stop by Edgar's sometime. I recommend it.

Tuesday, 07 January 2020 16:41

You May Need a Tissue

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Is there anything better than seeing a video of a soldier surprising a family member with a unexpected return home or in this case, a young man ringing a bell of victory after enduring years of chemotherapy? Congrats to 19 year old Matt Driscoll who has been battling Leukemia for over three years. His treatments done, Matt received a hero's welcome as he strode down the hall of Akron Children's Hospital to proudly ring the bell signifying an end to his chemotherapy. Videos such as these have a special effect on folks like me whose lives have been forever changed by cancer. So congratulations Matt! Here's to years of good health to you. Cut & paste the URL below into your browser, grab a tissue, and watch the video. It's OK to say funny things like "must be something in my eyes!" Yes, they're called tears and they are tears of joy for this young man, his family and friends.

Monday, 06 January 2020 17:22

Driver's Ed

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When did you learn to drive? For me, it was the summer of 1976, the year I turned 16, and I'd been itching to drive for about 4 years before that. My school didn't offer Driver's Ed classes so I had to take private lessons. They paid off because I passed both the written and driving test the first time. I remember hearing stories of schools that did offer those classes and God bless the teachers who climbed in a car with two or three students. It also seems it's been a while since these classes were offered maybe because of budget cuts from failed school levies. Well, they're returning to some Akron schools. Read more here. Here's hoping they catch on again and after a comprehensive course in the classroom and time behind the wheel, they turn out a new crop safe and conscientious drivers.

Friday, 03 January 2020 14:31

Good News!

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One thing not missing from most newscasts is bad news. There's an old adage that states, "if it bleeds -- it leads." Sadly that's true. It's why we rubber neck past the scene of an accident. Wouldn't it be nice if you could strip away the bad news of crime, murder, and anything that makes you lose faith in humanity? has done just that. Click here to read a list of the top ten most read stories about the Akron area in 2019.

Tuesday, 31 December 2019 15:35

Happy Birthday, 97.5 WONE

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New Year's Day marks the 35th year of 97.5 WONE's existence. On that first day of 1985, the dial position switched from an easy listening station known as WAEZ, "EZ-97" to a classic adult rock format that offered "more variety and less repitition." It began at 6am with the on-air announcement of the format change from our then-General Manager Fred Anthony and it has been our tradition to replay that first announcement every new years since at the same time. It is followed by our first morning show host Deeya Mckay introducing Bob Seger's "Old Time Rock & Roll" on the "New ONE." I was hired here a few weeks before the switch and was a member of the original air staff as the midday jock, (10am-3pm). We blew it out that day and for a couple years after with a very wide and diverse library of tunes. I got to work for great folks who knew how to fill the hole of what was missing in the northeast Ohio radio landscape. Group One was our local owner and under the direction of Roger Berk, Jr. to Art Wander and Ward Holmes, they presided over a young air staff that consisted of Deeya, Rich Barnett on news, me at midday, Mike McKelly on afternoon drive, Jim Chenot at night, and Danny Slentz overnights. We all pulled weekend shifts along with two part timers: Dave Sharp and Jeff Daniels, AKA JD. Close friendships were forged and we all really cared for how the station sounded. Ownership change came a couple years in and with that, some of the jocks went on to pursue other jobs elsewhere including me. I stayed with Group One and became an on camera weatherman on WAKC TV 23. I missed radio so I came back as a part timer for a short time before eventually being wooed back full time in 1994 to work for Rubber City Radio Group, another local company who still holds the keys to the kingdom to this day. My return allowed me to work for JD Kunes, who had become our program director by then, and with the beloved Jim Chenot; a genuine character with a sweet side who I miss to this day. If it were all to end tomorrow, I could honestly say I am proud of what WONE has accomplished in her three and a half decades. In this day of numerous format shifts, she has stayed true to the original rock focus she was born with. I'm also proud of the roles I've played and my de facto status as "station historian." Above it all, we will always be eternally grateful to you the listeners who have always made us feel like family. Thank you and Happy Birthday WONE! Attached is a picture from an early billboard campaign and despite what you see, our heads were never that big nor were our egos that inflated. We strived to remain humble in spite of our brilliance. (Jocks from left to right: Mike McKelly, Tim Daugherty, Jim Chenot, Deeya McKay, Brett Summers).
Monday, 30 December 2019 14:25

C'mon Browns!

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Well, another Browns' season has ended and not in the way we had hoped or how it was predicted last summer. On paper and in some sports magazines, it looked like they had what it took to at least be looking for some post season action and maybe their first ever Super Bowl berth.

I'm a Homer so I like when the local teams win and when they don't, I lose interest in the process so don't look to me for any answers as to why the team disappoints us each season. But I have to ask, how can the same mistakes continue to be made? Freddie Kitchens was the scapegoat this time and yeah, he probably wasn't ready for the head coaching job. You're probably saying out loud, "Ya think?!" But we've had lots of coaches. How is it that none of them was the one to lead us to the promised land? Blame the Haslams? Maybe but again, we've had other owners since the Browns came back as a new (old) expansion team in 1999. 

The Cleveland Browns were a power house team back some sixty years ago but I was four years old when the won their last championship. I cannot remember the excitement of that time but I've slept since then! After the 1966 NFL merger, championship games became the Super Bowl and our beloved Brownies are one of only four teams to have never appeared in that big game, much less win one.

So as I approach the end of my sixth decade on this earth and in northeast Ohio, the "homer" in me is grateful to have seen the Indians in three World Series and the Cavaliers WIN an NBA championship; things I thought I'd never see so yes, I'm going to exhale and assure myself the law of averages will eventually come around and smile on the Cleveland Browns. It's a feeling summed up into the old phrase we're so used to falling back on around these parts ... "maybe next year."

Go Browns!

Wednesday, 18 December 2019 15:56

3 Rock Stars Walk Into an Airport...

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Stop me if you've heard this one. There is no actual punchline but I found this candid shot fascinating. It was sent via text to my wife Sue Wilson from a record company executive friend of hers named Diane Lockner. Diane has been in the biz a long time and she's gotten to know a lot of musicians in all genres. But she was in awe recently when, while sitting in the Nashville Airport, she spotted these three icons just chatting. Slightly askew and a little out of focus, you can tell it was taken in haste so as not to miss the moment. From left to right, that's Peter Frampton, Robert Plant, and Tony Iommi. Three Rock Gods who've achieved super stardom albeit in different groups. Just three dudes talking about who knows what! Are they discussing who gets the window seat on the plane? Is Tony Iommi showing Robert Plant a funny social media meme on his phone? One of our Facebook Friends wondered if the three were plotting out a crazy, power-trio, collaboration of some kind. What do YOU think?
Friday, 06 December 2019 14:09

Lights, Camera, Akron!

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The Highland Square Film Festival is back and the works of local filmakers will be shown at the Highland Theater on West Market Street on Saturday (12/7). In all, about twenty short films will be screened, each one no longer than five minutes. There is $4,500 in prize money for the top vote getters including a $500 prize for the one film voted as the audience favorite. So if you are a cinephile and you'd like to witness the talents of some up & coming, fresh & local talent who someday maybe giving Akron a shout-out while accepting their Oscar, head to the Highland Theater tomorrow. Read more here.

Wednesday, 04 December 2019 13:01

Stop The Madness

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Unwanted phone calls! We all get them and I'm willing to guess 99% of us don't like them. They're a nuisance but the power to stop or at the very least limit them is right at your fingertips. I recently heard about this and later saw a video. Basically, it says answer the calls, even the ones you don't recognize as one of your contacts. If you get a live operator on the other end, be polite and say "Please put my number on your Do Not Call list." You can then hang up and no further communication is necessary. Be direct but polite as the person on the other end is just that, a person just trying to make a living even if it's one that rubs you the wrong way. 

My question is how to stop the robo-calls from auto-dialers with no live operator. You may want to check out this site from the Federal Communications Commission which gives some tips. If they still persist, Google "ways to stop robo-calls." There is an abundance of sites to look at and apps to put on your mobile to hopefully, "stop the madness."

Tuesday, 03 December 2019 10:24

Akron To Keep Your Water On

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The Akron Mayor's office has sent out an early Christmas gift to those who are having trouble paying their water bills. Water service disconnections due to non-payment will be stopped until after the holidays. If you're behind on your bill, you now have until January 6, 2020 to send off your payment. Water service disruption will resume soon after that date. Read the full story here.

Thursday, 28 November 2019 16:06

Let the Holidays Begin

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Thanksgiving is coming to a close so, what's next? Christmas is just under four weeks away and the City of Akron is putting on her winter best with the opening tomorrow of Winterblast at Lock 3 where you will find outdoor activities for the family. This Saturday the Welcome Santa Parade steps off at 10am with a new route because of the downtown Akron construction. Click here so you can see where you need to get a front row seat. The parade's topper will be Santa's appearance which usually comes just in time for the kick off of the OSU / Michigan game. Might I make a suggestion? If you're downtown anyway, stop in at the Barley House on Main at State and join TK O'Grady for some OSU-Flick-'Em. You can win prizes and cheer on the Buckeyes! Akron's Home of Rock & Roll wishes you the best of holidays. Take us along wherever you go.

Monday, 25 November 2019 13:18

Operation Heroes - Valor Home

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You'll be hearing us talking a lot about the Harry Donovan, Jr. Valor Home in the coming weeks. It will all be a part of our week-long fundraiser we're calling "Operation Heroes." The staff had a chance to visit their Akron facility on Exeter Road today to learn more about what they do. Valor Home is a transitional housing program for homeless male veterans. The residents there take part in "structured therapies such as art, music, and life skills." Valor Home's mission is to "support homeless veterans who are looking to achieve self sufficiency as they seek to secure and maintain permanent housing." WONE's Operation Heroes fundraising campaign will be held the week of December 9th and will culminate with our two-day live broadcast from our lobby on December 13th and 14th. As in year's past, we will be asking for donations but unlike before, the donations we need will be strictly monetary and/or gift cards which really come in handy. And rest assured, 100% of the money you give will go directly to programs that help feed and house homeless veterans and provide transportation to those seeking employment. "Support Our Troops" is a statement we see a lot these days. This will be a great opportunity to do just that. Stay tuned to 97.5 WONE for further details on this event that we here are all excited and humbled to take part in.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019 15:23

Holiday Tree Festival Is Back

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Don't look now but the holidays are upon us. Thanksgiving is next week and it's a late one so can Christmas be far behind? NO! Some of us need some prompting to get into the spirit. You may find it in Hallmark Channel movies while others find it in Christmas music. A light dusting of snow can add to the mood. But locally, we've got an annual event that sets the pace for me. It's the Holiday Tree Festival, which benefits Akron Children's Hospital, now in it's 38th year. It's hard to not get into the spirit walking around the hundreds of meticulously decorated trees, wreaths, and miniatures all of which are for sale. There are also some raffle trees. The Holiday Tree Fest opens to the public this Saturday, November 23rd and stays open through next Sunday, December 1st. Admission is FREE! Thanks to some great volunteers, they'll also be open on Thanksgiving Day if you want to walk off the too much turkey and all the trimmings. I highly recommend it. Click here for more details.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019 09:47

The Geek Critique - Black Friday Buying Guide

Holiday shopping season is upon us and I'm here to make sure you don't miss a deal! I've handpicked my favorite deals from all the major local Black Friday sales going on and listed them below. Whether your shopping for a video game fanatic or looking to make your home smarter, I've got you covered. 

 Video Games | Consoles | Televisions | Laptops | Tablets | Smart Home | Flyers

See my complete sortable spreadsheet here

Video Games

Prices on hottest video games this year are all over the map. It seems nowhere has them at the same price. Rather than listing the best deal on a game I've listed the prices at 4 major video game retailers in the area.  You may notice that GameStop is not listed as their Black Friday ad has not been posted yet (11/20). I will update soon as it's available. Some highlights below include Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey both at $30 at Walmart and Target. Both games are must-own games for Nintendo Switch owners. For PS4 owners Shenmue 3 for $35 is a steal that just came out on 11/19. For Xbox One owners The Witcher 3: Complete Edition for $19.99 is a great price for one of the greatest games of this generation.


For the second year in a row, the Nintendo Switch is the system on everyone's list. Sadly, there is not much in the way of deals on the system due to the high demand. If Mario Kart 8 is already on your list $299.99 is a good price as you are essentially getting the game for free with the system. The problem is this model has been replaced by a new model with better battery life. It is unclear what version of the switch you will get with the Kohl's deal, but if you plan on doing shopping at Kohl's this holiday season getting $90 back in Kohl's cash is enticing.  The $199 Playstation 4 deal at Best Buy and Walmart is one of the better deals this holiday season. You get 3 amazing games included, though none of them very young child-friendly. Not to be outdone the Xbox One S deal at Best Buy and Walmart is also a great entry to the system if you want to stay digital-only on games (It does not have a disc drive). The Kohls Xbox One X price of $350 + $105 back in Kohls cash is by far the best value I've seen on the beefed-up Xbox One.


I've decided to only list the 4K TV's as the price on them has come down so much I would not recommend anyone getting 1080p TV.  There far too many TV deals to list them all, so I've decided to just highlight some really good deals in different price ranges. In the possible deal of all Black Friday deals both Walmart & Best Buys have 58" TV's for only $199.00. You can not go wrong with either TV at that price. If you wanted something a little more named brand there are several Samsung TV deals that are as cheap as I've ever seen them.


With the number of laptops advertised on Black Friday increasing each and every year, there is simply no other piece of electronics that has this level of competition. From $100 Chromebooks to fully loaded gaming laptops there is a little something for everyone. The clear winner in terms of value is the Dell Inspiron for $349.99 at Best Buy. With an SSD, 8GB of RAM, and a touchscreen, it has the specs usually reserved for high end and high priced laptops. 


If you are in a market for a tablet it's hard to beat the value you get in the $30 Amazon Fire 7. In terms of value, nothing even comes close. The Fire 7 Kids Edition is a decent price also for peace of mind. If your child breaks this tablet at all in 2 years after purchase Amazon will replace it for free, no questions asked. If you wanted an iPad Walmart and Best Buy's $250 for the 10.2" iPad is a great value. 

Smart Home

This category really comes down to what ecosystem you want your smart devices to live on, Google's or Amazon's. There are great prices all around on both sets of devices and just comes down to personal preference. 


Best Buy


Monday, 11 November 2019 10:16

The Veteran In My Life

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dad in class

Today we honor veterans, the brave men and women who answered the call to serve their country whether in time of war or peace. Here's a brief history of my own father who did just that.

Bob Daugherty was born in Coshocton, Ohio and enlisted in the Marine Corps after graduating high school in 1943. After basic training, he was sent to serve in the Pacific Theater. He held the rank of Sergeant and was a rear gunner. He saw action in Okinawa, Iwo Jima, and the Philippines and would spend another year in China after the war ended. He tried some college on the GI bill once he returned stateside. Later, he applied to be an Ohio State Highway Patrolman but failed the height requirement by one inch, (he was 5'6"). He went to work in a factory to support his family; my mom, brother, sister, and me, (I was the youngest).

He gave up some bad habits and changed his life around when I was in junior high. Always the flying enthusiast, he became a private pilot. He would joke and say, "During wartime I was always seated backwards watching where I had been. Now I get to sit in the front seat to see clearly where I'm going!" When I think back on that, I fully realize there was a deeper meaning to that statement. 

One day at work, his department was eliminated and he was out of a job. This came just weeks after I had started college. I told him I would quit school and get a job to which he replied, "The hell you will! Stay in school and get an education." He did find other work and was able to spend more time on his passion of flying. He also become a Private Pilot Ground School Instructor and shared his knowledge and love of flying with aspiring pilots.

With his kids growing up and out of the house, it seemed like his life with my mom was transitioning into that happy "empty nester" phase but sadly, his life was cut short by a heart attack at the age of 55. I completed my education as he would have wanted. He was supportive of the career path I was on and hoped to hear his son on the radio someday but never got that chance. He also missed out on knowing his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

So today I say "thank you" out loud to the veteran in my life from that greatest of generations who did what needed to be done back then and throughout his short but impactful life. Those thanks stay in my heart everyday of the year.

Friday, 08 November 2019 16:12

Back on Easy Street

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We're back on Easy Street tonight and tomorrow at the Tangier. I'm referring to the local legend band that makes a yearly return to rock the faithful. These guys have been doing it since the 70s and they sound as fresh as they did back when they were the house band at the old Cleveland Agora. Their set runs the gamut of Bruce & Southside to Alex Harvey and many surprises along the way. Co-front men Gary Krizo and Westside Steve Simmons take turns on vocals while Bobby "Boom Boom" Martin lays down the bass. But they're so much more with a great horn section in the mix. I'd say come out and see for yourself but I think both shows are sold out. Hey, there's always next year.
Wednesday, 06 November 2019 15:21

Safety Kids Calendar Contest

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I'm honored to once again be the Master of Cermonies for the annual Safety Kids Calendar Contest awards presentation tonight at the downtown Akron-Summit County Public Library branch. It's an event I look forward to doing each year and this marks the 18th year that Summit County Prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh has sponsored it. 6th, 7th, and 8th graders from Summit County schools are invited to submit posters based on the "12 Rules for Staying Safe." Their artwork is fantastic and their messages resonate. There is a different rule for each month of the year and the winners' posters are reproduced on one of the twelve calendar pages for the upcoming year. The grand prize winner's art goes on the calendar's cover. The rules of safety are also depicted on billboards across town throughout the year and in public service announcements on WBNX -TV 55 during the holiday season. Click here to see last year's submission and maybe I'll see you and your talented children tonight.

Monday, 04 November 2019 16:46

Fall Back, Spring Forward, Or Leave It Alone?

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We set the clocks back this weekend and returned to Standard Time but in another six months, we'll adjust the time again and push them one hour forward. And when we do this, our "body clocks" have to adjust, too. What do you think? Should we just scrap this idea entirely? Some states don't do it and even some sections of other states don't bother either. That's confusing! Some Ohio lawmakers think it's time has come to do away with the twice yearly time change. Read more here


Tuesday, 29 October 2019 16:33

Free Rides on Metro RTA

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Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th. We know it is important to exercise your right to vote but this blog is not about that. It's also not about how a national election day should qualify as a national holiday, (which I think is a great idea). This has a more local angle that I want to pass along. Metro RTA is offering free rides to people wishing to get to the polls next Tuesday. In addition to that, they're offering free rides to Vets one week later on Veterans Day. Thanks Metro RTA! That's awesome. Click here to read more.