If you can fly, get out! That's what two flamingos did 17 years ago. Some stormes rolled through a zoo in Kansas, and two flamingo residents freaked out and fled. Because their wings hadn't been clipped yet, they pink-tailed it out of there. One flamingo with the leg band #492 is still out there living his best life! He's been spotted on various street cameras over the years in a bunch of different states. He's been hanging with wild flamingos and other birds. He was last spotted in Texas. Hard to believe he's made it for this long. A part of me hopes to see #492 somewhere in our neck of the woods when the weather warms up. If you see our pink feathered friend, party-on!
I love flamingos. Next to the Great Blue Heron, they're my favorite. This is the closest thing I have to a flamingo...